The Sherwood Saga

  • July 1869

    SHERWOOD (then conceived as the Diocesan Boy’s School), emerged as a brain child of Mr. Condon, Mr. H.S. Reid and others under the patronage of the Seventh Metropolitan of India, Rev. Robert Milman.

  • 1869 - 1880

    The first Principal Rev. E. Baston, imparts both identity and philosophy to the institution.

  • 1870

    Enrolment figures touch 100 and result in the rejection of many applications for admission for want of accommodation.

  • 1873

    School Committee purchases the Sherwood Estate, now housing the Raj Bhawan Complex.

  • 1880

    The two wings of the institution so far housed separately at Long View and at the newly acquired site are consolidated as one at the Sherwood Estate with a total complement of 100 students, 8 staff and 2 pakhals.

  • 1881

    A violent cyclonic disturbance causes extensive damage to the estate and some boys shift to a military camp while others remain behind, living in tents, on the estate grounds. The school colours borrowed from an elite British Regiment, the Sherwood Foresters, are registered by a Sports Committee under Mr. Hancock.

  • 1882

    The Himalayan Gazetteer of E.T. Atkinson gives honourable mention to the institution describing it as a centre of learning which thoroughly fulfils the designs of its Founders.

  • 1887

    During these eight years the school functions in its idyllic surroundings, offering among other things, a shooting range of six hundred yards. Unfortunately, the school is once again shifted, as the new location of Government House was earmarked for the Sherwood Estate. Movement from this location to the present High Court premises, and then on to Khurpatal, resulted in cholera and enteritis ravaging, the inmates, unfortunately the Principal falling victim to a fatal attack of the latter.

  • 1898

    The School Motto, “MEREAT QUISQUE PALMAM” – “Let Each One Merit One’s Prize,” is chosen under the Stewardship of Mr. R.C. Rosslet. During this period, the school also established a visible reputation in cricket as well as other sporting events outside Nainital.

  • 1903 - 04

    ‘A new block (dormitory) is built. In the following year, ‘Milman Hall,’ named after the ‘Founder Father,’ replaces ‘The Pavilion,’ with a gymnasium on the ground floor.

  • 1913

    The College Chapel is dedicated on 1st October, 1913 (later re-dedicated to St. Barnabas, the patron saint).

  • 1914 - 18

    The House System is introduced in Sherwood with four Houses: Allen-A-Dale (red), Little John (yellow), Friar Tuck (blue), Robin Hood (green).

  • 1922

    Electricity comes to Sherwood.

  • 1923

    The Infirmary is dedicated and sanctified on the old site of the “Gwala Hut.”

  • 1927

    The Horsman Wing, dedicated to their father by two Old Sherwoodians, is built with their generous donations.

  • 1932

    The Senior Wing is dedicated to Mr. Dixon (Principal 1906-1932).

  • 1939

    The Milman Hall is built, named after the Founder, replaces “The Pavilion” with a gymnasium on the ground floor.

  • 1933 - 37

    The Cock House system, Marathon Run, and interaction with Oak Grove, Bishop Cotton, and the two La Martinières are introduced under Rev. Binns, the Principal. The Diocesan Boy’s School is renamed Sherwood College in 1937.

  • 1940 - 58

    The College Chapel acquires a Hammond Electric Organ, a handsome, Teak altar and railing again donated by two Sherwoodians in memory of their father, Tom Taylor, the longest-serving member on the staff. In these eventful years, the school registers 370 pupils on its rolls, with a number of new additions and constructions taking place, such as the swimming pool, built on 7000 man-hours of the sweat and toil of the boys. Some future legends of international stature were on Sherwood’s rolls at this juncture.

  • 1969

    General Sam Manekshaw (later the First Field Marshal of the country) presides as Chief Guest during the Centenary Celebrations of his Alma Mater, Sherwood College.

  • 1973

    A new era of planning and development begins with the stewardship of the college moving on from the legendary Llewellyn years to Mr. D.R.A. Mountford who for the next 31 years builds and rebuilds Sherwood on the guidelines provided by its Founders. The school activities are widened with the introduction of hobby blocks, badminton and squash courts. Co-education is introduced in Sherwood and Computer Literacy Programme for classes 6 to 12 is inducted as a pioneering venture.

  • 2004 - Present Day

    The new Principal, Mr. Amandeep Sandhu takes over. Within six years of his tenure, he has introduced Sherwood’s own VSAT/leased-line and extensive networking and internet facilities. A new Multipurpose Hall for girls adjacent to the Girls’ Hostel, a new dormitory for them, extended parking space on the campus, a spacious multipurpose hall, additional dormitories for Horsman Wing, a new billiards cum pool room and an extension of the stadium were completed in record time under adverse weather conditions.

    The school has continued its philosophy of imparting all-round education with a judicious mix of value-based principles to enable its alumni to develop a sound vision, integrity and dedication in the challenging conditions of the present-day world.









About Sherwood

Spread across a 45-acre green campus nestled in the Shivalik ranges of the popular hill station of Nainital, Sherwood College was established in 1869, Sherwood College is widely acknowledged as one of the country’s pioneer boarding schools. Founded in 1869 as the Diocesan Boys School under the patronage of the Seventh Metropolitan of India, Rev. Robert Milman, this 155-year-old school, which has successfully maintained course through the tumultuous pre independence era and two World Wars into the dawn of a free India, has emerged as a role model co-educational residential (class III-XII) institution providing a judicious mix of academics, co-curricular and sports education to its student.